Hello All,
My Journey of entrepreneurship has been a rollercoaster ride of emotions.
On my good days, I am very excited, full of energy, and have the belief that I am only a few steps away from massive success. On my bad days, I am lonely, irritable, and worried about the possibility of failure. It seems like right after I have a good day, it is followed up by one of my bad days.
I'm not sure if it is because of my personality, overthinking, or because of my generational experiences. I struggle with patience, yet, I know if things happened as fast as I wanted them to I wouldn't be able to handle them. I have faith in my intuition, yet, I share the same fear of the unknown and uncomfortable.
I know in my heart this is the right move but being unable to predict the future is nerve racking. Uncertainty is what makes life beautiful, I know this yet, it is hard to experience. Just having the opportunity to chase my dreams is more than billions around the world can expect out of life. I'm not doing this just for me, I want to help others take advantage of their opportunity.
We all know how this story ends, we die, so what is there to be afraid of. So even though I am lonely, stressed, worried, and or terrified sometimes, I won't give up. Instead, I will keep moving forward.
Call me crazy, but there are a weird thrill and excitement created through the turbulent day to day battle of chasing my dreams that make me want to get up every day and do it all over again.... After I throw-up in my mouth a little.
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